Thursday, November 27, 2014


Doing the laundry has become  routinary  task, nowadays, especially for moms. Separating white from colored clothes, hand washing delicate garments, pre-soaking stained items, and ensuring that clothes for dry cleaning go to pro-cleaners and laundry shops which may be necessary but of course costly and time consuming. 
Understanding the varied cleaning needs and the benefit from smart washing solutions, Samsung has introduced washing machines that can cater to every household’s laundry requirement, as well as lessen the hassle of multi-tasking moms.
Samsung Fully Automatic Front Load Washer
Samsung Fully Automatic WW5000 Front Load Washer deals with heavy stained garments. It offers powerful cleaning capabilities while still remaining gentle on clothes. The Samsung Fully Automatic WW5000 Front Load Washer features two innovative technologies that provide the best-in-class laundry experience – EcoBubble Technology and Stain Away Program.
Samsung EcoBubble Technology allows even distribution of detergent and deeply penetrates the fabric faster allowing clothes to be washed in cold water and reducing energy consumption. It allows  easier rinsing and minimizes detergent residue and stains. EcoBubble promises no loss of wash performance and allows laundry to be done faster and more efficiently, giving mom extra time to do other chores or spend time for herself.
Stain Away, on the other hand, is a pre-programmed cycle that help remove common household stains that moms usually have a difficult time cleaning, such as cocoa, blood, tea, wine, coffee, make-up and grass. Working together with EcoBubble Technology, stains can be cleaned effectively in one simple cycle with the special bubble soaking stage. Frothy bubbles penetrate deep into the fabric fibers to loosen dirt and stains.
Samsung Fully Automatic Top Load Washer
 To cater to each moms laundry need, there are several Samsung Fully Automatic Top Load Washing Machine models with different features to choose from:

First is the Samsung Fully Automatic Top Load WA16F759, which features Wobble technology. Wobble technology protects delicate fabrics from friction damage without compromising washing performance. The Wobble pulastor’s unique structure generates a dynamic, multi-directional washing flow to prevent tangles, twists and knots while thoroughly cleaning clothes.
The WA16F759’s Digital Inverter technology ensures durability and saves on energy as well. It’s large capacity 16kg. also allows moms to save laundry time.


For moms who pre-wash heavily soiled clothes, the Samsung Fully Automatic Top Load WA4000HH is a smart choice. This all-in-one washing machine features practical innovations such as the ActivDualWash, on top of Wobble Technology, that allows laundry to be done with less time, efforts and worry.

The ActivDualWash feature equips the machine with a wash sink with a built-in side water jet which  provides a convenient and dedicated space to hand-wash delicate items and pre-wash heavily soiled clothes before regular wash. The built-in side water can be started and stopped with a simple press of a button for maximum convenience.
Most of Samsung’s Fully Automatic Washing Machines is equipped with Digital Inverter Technology. The Digital Inverter Motor has minimal moving parts, making it breakdown resistant. Magnet utilization makes it more efficient, increasing energy saving and guaranteeing durability. An 11-year warranty also ensures long-lasting washing machines with fewer chances of malfunctions.



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